Basic Malware Analysis

Malware Analysis Training


Often disguised as free downloads of programs or pictures, malware can have a variety of negative effects on a user’s computer. Simple versions of malware may simply gather information about the host computer. Others may limit the user’s ability to control their system, cause the system to crash, or even hold the user’s system hostage.

A vital part of using any computer effectively is protecting that system against malware. However, it is important that users of computers are able to identify when an infection has occurred, know how to limit the damage, and possibly take preliminary steps to analyze that malware and prevent it from spreading to other systems.

Malware analysis training could provide all these benefits. Our team could work with your organization to provide simple, easy-to-understand assistance with identifying malware and limiting its effect upon your systems.

What is Malware?


Malware is an all-encompassing term used to describe a computer program that is intended to interfere with another’s system. The simplest example is a program that downloads whenever a user visits a website. This program may download without the user’s knowledge and could report on that user’s activity to another computer.

Other common examples of malware include:

  • Phishing scams – an unexpected email may contain a link that is nothing more than a disguised virus, which could cause a hard drive to crash or to completely erase itself
  • Worms – a self-replicating piece of malware with the purpose of initially infecting a single computer and then spreading throughout an entire network.
  • Backdoor – a type of virus that allows a remote user to directly control another’s system, possibly allowing them to download sensitive files or prevent the user from operating their machine on their own terms

A single piece of malware could totally disable an entire network of computers or cellphones. As such, it is essential that users take every possible step to prevent the spread of this software.

Providing Competent Malware Analysis Training


While the end user is ultimately responsible for the contraction of any malware infection on a computer, those users and their IT departments can certainly take steps to limit damage once infection has occurred. There are a number of computer programs that perform malware analysis, which can be used to identify malware and limit its effect upon a user’s system.

There are two main types of malware analysis, the more straightforward of which is static code analysis. In simple terms, this is like a doctor examining a tissue sample taken from an ill patient. The analysis involves taking an inactive portion of the malware to examine its code and determining its function to develop effective countermeasures.

More advanced versions of malware analysis involve evaluating that code’s effect while it infects a host machine. This is akin to a doctor examining an infection’s path in a living patient. While under examination, a malware analysis expert could develop a defense plan to treat the infection in real time.

Malware Analysis Training Could Protect Critical Assets


Malware can affect almost any computer or smartphone on the market today. While contracting malware may not be overtly preventable, proper training in malware analysis may help to prevent its spread and to limit the effect of malicious code upon your system.

Our firm could work to provide basic malware analysis training to individuals and companies. Contact us today to see how we could provide a solution that fits your needs.

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